Mosaic invests in our global communities through cash grants, employee contributions and product donations. Mosaic and The Mosaic Company Foundation made $11.6 million in cash grants in fiscal 2011, and accrued formal commitments for future funding of $12.6 million through multi-year agreements.

In 2010, we incorporated The Mosaic Company Foundation and The Mosaic Institute of Brazil - two separate legal entities that will support charitable organizations wherever we do business. In addition, Mosaic retained its traditional corporate giving programs. It is our goal to invest one percent of the three-year rolling average of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) into our communities.

Mosaic employees are also generous with their time and talent, and many of our partnerships include an employee engagement component. We are also realistic in our dealings with our nonprofit partners and allow for a portion of each grant to be used for general operating expenses within the organization.

It is our aim to be an innovative and courageous funder, with clear and defined goals that are closely tied to our mission of helping the world grow the food it needs. We also try to be a good neighbor, and understand that we have a responsibility to contribute to the health of our local communities where we do business. Our focus areas are as follows:
  1. Food: To help the world grow the food it needs, including global food security, hunger and agricultural research and development.
  2. Water: To conserve resources and encourage stewardship of the environment, including conservation and habitat protection.
  3. Local Community Investments: To invest in the communities in which we operate: philanthropic or civic partnerships to enrich the communities in which Mosaic has offices and operations.