About This Report

Mosaic has reported in the GRI Guideline format since 2009. This report summarizes Mosaic's corporate citizenship and sustainability activities, covering a spectrum of economic, social and environmental topics.

In 2011, Mosaic utilized the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Mining & Metals Sector Supplement. Having previously established sustainability reporting protocols, Mosaic did not utilize the GRI formal "Profile" and GRI "Management Approach" structures, but instead used the GRI "performance indicators" sections only. Nevertheless, the content of the Profile and Approach structures is covered in the text of our main 2011 Sustainability Report.

This report is aligned with and supplements the information contained in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2011 ("10-K Report") and our 2011 Annual Report to Shareholders and should be read in conjunction with the information in those reports.

Alignment with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Mosaic regards GRI as a leader in the sustainability field, driving organizations to benchmark themselves against the best in class. In June 2011, Mosaic joined a select group of U.S. companies as a founding member of Focal Point USA's Sector Leaders Network, which is a regional effort driving innovative thinking about sustainability reporting, not only in the U.S., but globally.

Mosaic used the G3 Mining & Metals Sector Supplement (in combination with the GRI-G3.1) as the foundation for compiling this report. Certain topics covered in the report have been identified as material to our business and are based on issues and subjects that are considered important to the fertilizer industry. Using the G3 self-assessment for performance indicators, Mosaic has achieved an Application Level rating of B. In 2012, Mosaic aims to complete the GRI Application Level Check through the Organizational Stakeholder program.

Mosaic intends to use GRI criteria in subsequent reports and as a guide to further develop and implement strategic goals and key performance indicators in future years. A GRI summary index key and indicator reporting level is included to provide an overview on how comprehensively Mosaic is meeting each G3 indicator. This is subjectively based on whether answers provided quantitative responses when required.

Report Scope and Boundaries
In this year's GRI report much of the information is provided on the basis of the calendar year. We departed from the fiscal year reporting, where possible, to allow for direct comparison of our sustainability data with our peers' sustainability data. As such, a significant portion of the data is for calendar year 2010 (depicted in the text as simply "2010"). For fiscal year reporting, references in this report to a particular fiscal year are to the twelve months ended May 31 of that year. For example, "fiscal 2011" or "FY2011" refers to the 12 months ending on May 31, 2011. In some cases we have not included historical information for every company time period. Generally, those omissions were due to concerns about data consistency or because we determined that collecting such information would not add to the value of this report. Reporting generally covers actions and decisions from Mosaic's inception on October 22, 2004, through the company's fiscal year ended May 31, 2011, unless otherwise indicated. This report includes entities over which Mosaic exercises majority control, including all their operations and departments that have the potential to generate significant impacts.

Data Collection
Operating units and subject matter experts from throughout Mosaic's global enterprise provided support for data collection and analysis. These units include Phosphate operations in Florida and Louisiana and Potash operations in New Mexico and Michigan in the U.S. and in Saskatchewan, Canada. Our subsidiaries in Brazil, India, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and China are included, unless otherwise specified.

Data collection was managed globally, geographically and at the business unit level. Our approach to data collection was based on verifiable facts within the specified boundaries. Before publication, Mosaic conducted a final validation process to ensure the accuracy of information provided. This process was supplemented by:
  • Sustainability Steering Comittee review of collected data and related information
  • Reporting within the GRI Framework at the B GRI Application Level (for performance indicators only)
  • Establishing initial goals and key performance indicators for future reporting
Validation steps for data included:
  • Engaging internal subject matter experts to review and analyze data
  • Conducting meetings with subject matter experts to review data and the resulting analysis
  • Engaging senior leadership in a review of GRI indicators before finalization
  • Developing a process for consistent data collection and analysis that can be used in subsequent years and with future reports
Forward-Looking Statements
This report contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about future financial and operating results. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of The Mosaic Company's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the predictability and volatility of, and customer expectations about, agriculture, fertilizer, raw material, energy and transportation markets that are subject to competitive and other pressures and economic and credit market conditions; the level of inventories in the distribution channels for crop nutrients; changes in foreign currency and exchange rates; international trade risks; changes in government policy; changes in environmental and other governmental regulation, including greenhouse gas regulation and implementation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's numeric water quality standards for the discharge of nutrients into Florida lakes and streams; further developments in the lawsuit involving the federal wetlands permit for the extension of the Company's South Fort Meade, Florida, mine into Hardee County, including orders, rulings, injunctions or other actions by the court or actions by the plaintiffs, the Army Corps of Engineers or others in relation to the lawsuit, or any actions the Company may identify and implement in an effort to mitigate the effects of the lawsuit; other difficulties or delays in receiving, or increased costs of, necessary governmental permits or approvals; further developments in the lawsuit involving the tolling agreement at the Company's Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, potash mine, including settlement or orders, rulings, injunctions or other actions by the court, the plaintiff or others in relation to the lawsuit; the effectiveness of our processes for managing our strategic priorities; adverse weather conditions affecting operations in Central Florida or the Gulf Coast of the United States, including potential hurricanes or excess rainfall; actual costs of various items differing from management's current estimates, including among others asset retirement, environmental remediation, reclamation or other environmental regulation or Canadian resource taxes and royalties; accidents and other disruptions involving Mosaic's operations, including brine inflows at its Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, potash mine and other potential mine fires, floods, explosions, seismic events or releases of hazardous or volatile chemicals, as well as other risks and uncertainties reported from time to time in The Mosaic Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.